My dream is to some day design and build a simple but welcoming home. I've started an inspiration file, and have been compiling ideas for quite some time now. It would absolutely incorporate both sustainable and eco-friendly ideas. Think un-obtrusive solar panels, natural elements and low-voc products. These photos are of the Southern California "low impact kit home" of Lisa Bush and Scott Vineberg. Their home employs a number of energy saving features. Including, white finishes {the article claims light surfaces reflect light therefore possibly delaying global warming}, passive temperature control + a chlorine free pool.

Green Tips via the article

Mona Moore, Lisa's avant-garde brand and shop. A Venice beach location is slated to open this Summer.
Their home has a bit of an industrial edge. Here are a few of my inspirational home images...I would love it to have a modern cottage - meets
casually-chic farmhouse by the sea vibe...It would be on a smaller scale then these subtle feeling shots below..
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